Sunday, January 11, 2009

Christmas 2008

Christmas was very exciting for us this year. We had so much fun watching Jaycee's face as she was surprised with all the presents Christmas morning. I realized just now that we did not do a very good job with the picture taking, as we took mostly video. So, here are a couple of pictures from before the presents were unwrapped. More pictures to post later after I get them from my parents. You can always count on the grandparents to have their cameras snapping pictures.

We learned our lesson this year with the little beetle to leave the favorite gifts until the very end. Jaycee saw this car and would not even look at any of the other gifts that she had bee given. It was so bad that Dad had to take the car and hide it (Jaycee cried) to even have her unwrap anything else from under the tree. She absolutely loves this little car!

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